
Avoiding Abuse: Take it Slow (Song)

Lyrics: "your loving on the psychopath sitting next to you, you'll think how'd I get here sitting next to you"

Twenty one pilots - Heathens lyrics

There is some really good advice in this song. The lyrics in a song have to be concise and metaphors are used to say a lot in one or two sentences. Nothing can convey what something feels like better than music.

The video below, by assc direct, gives a thorough verbal explanation of how a person falls in love with a narcissit.


Heathens - Heathens are people who don't believe in God. Maybe the title is referring to not being able to listen to the voice of your own intuition.
Being brought up by a narcissist means being taught not to trust your own perceptions of reality and your own intuition or instinct or opinion.
A persons intuition is usually working, but the mind gets in the way and doubts the perception or a person doesn't "believe in" what he/she is perceiving. A person may self-doubt and not "believe himself/herself" and not "believe his or her own perceptions".

take it slow - This is the best protection against narcissistic abuse. Narcissists try to move the relationship on very quickly. Slowing down gives a person time to see who they are dealing with.

wait for them to ask you who you know -  abusers try to find out how much or how little social support a person has

you don't know the half of the abuse - narcissistic abuse and it's effect on the target are not common knowledge. It's unlikely a person will be able to recognise it as something they know about or have learned about and be able to keep safe from it. Unfortunately most people learn about narcissistic abuse, by experiencing it.
Also, it's hard to comprehend without having experienced it, just how harmful narcissistic abuse is and how defenceless a person is, who is seeing a predator as "their best friend".

room of people that they loved one day, docked away -  red flag: a long list of ex girlfriends or ex boyfriends, who they might hoover again

just because we check... It doesn't protect a target to know all the red flags, if the target doesn't know how to trust their own intuition and perception and if the target self doubts easily.

trust issues - lead to self isolation, loneliness and to susceptibility to a narcissist's idealization phase

I trust issues not to mention - The narcissist projects his own issues into the target. Even obvious issues will not be talked about or admitted.

smell your intentions - figuring out a persons vulnerabilities and also looking for certain character traits (like empathy/compassion) in a target

Why'd you come, you knew you should have stayed. I tried to warn you just to stay away 
It's difficult to warn and protect a person targeted by a narcissist, because the idealization phase is so nice and the target experiences such an emotional high and gets emotionally addicted, that the last thing s/he wants to hear, is that this is the beginning stage of an abusive relationship.

your loving on the psychopath sitting next to you, you'll think how'd I get here sitting next to you - narcissistic abuse is so similar to psychopathic abuse, that some people use the term narcopath
Narcissistic abuse doesn't start out looking like an abusive relationship at all. It even starts out looking "better" than a normal relationship.

The video below explains how it happens that a person falls in love with a narcissist

Assc direct - Why You Fell in Love With a Narcissist

Sandra Brown - Jenna Stauffer and Sandra L. Brown on Psychopathy and Pathological Love Relationships

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